Cheap Aputure 2.4GHz wireless remote aperture and focus controller, lens adapter ring for E mount cameras

Aputure 2.4GHz wireless remote aperture and focus controller, lens adapter ring for E mount cameras

Aputure 2.4GHz wireless remote aperture and focus controller, lens adapter ring for E mount cameras by Aputure Photo Tech Co., Ltd. is my personal favorite goods put out the foregoing workweek. You can buy Aputure 2.4GHz wireless remote aperture and focus controller, lens adapter ring for E mount cameras by contacting supplier through button bellow

Product Title:Aputure 2.4GHz wireless remote aperture and focus controller, lens adapter ring for E mount cameras
Product ID:60241319605
Product Price:US $220 - 400 / Piece
Min. Order:6 Pieces

Aputure 2.4GHz wireless remote aperture and focus controller, lens adapter ring for E mount cameras Description

Compatible Brand:Canon,Sony, Minolta
Caliber:EF/EF-S Canon lens
Brand Name:Aputure
Model Number:DEC for E mount
Battery Voltage:3.7V
Charge/Remote/Update port:Micro USB
Supplier Name:Aputure Photo Tech Co., Ltd.
Supplier Age:10 Years as Gold Supplier
Response Rate:91.0%

Aputure 2.4GHz wireless remote aperture and focus controller, lens adapter ring for E mount cameras

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